• Team Selection
  • Local Contractor Selection
  • Local Design Professional Selection
  • Blueprint Services
  • Building Models

How We help

List of Services

Typically the customer is given a HVAC budget. If the dollar amount fits the budget the plan moves forward. You pay that amount. If it does not fit the budget you move to value engineering. Value Engineering is the process of making decisions that consider all factors in the design and can include life time costs of operation and your original investment to ensure the best decision is being made. 

Mechanical systems are unique. They are different than every other aspect of your building. Codes enforce the minimum efficiency requirements, construction materials, and quality enforcement. They do NOT mandate the types of equipment used, the size of equipment used, or the controls used. 

Mechanical systems are an art and a science. They require vast amounts of knowledge and resources to design and choose the best equipment and the proper sizing for every building in order to achieve the lowest utility costs, the greatest amount of comfort, and the shortest ROI. 

The Engineer

  • Heat Load Calculations
  • Design Services
  • Energy Consumption Calculations
  • Return on Investment Calculation
  • Submital Packages/Review

It takes a TEAM of specialists to create a building that makes sense

With Building and Energy Codes evolving each year to improve the quality of construction and technology bringing us newer and better materials who can stay completely informed?


Value Engineering does not carry an expense. Our services are based on results. We charge a percentage of cost reduction for Value Engineering or an agreed upon fee for consulting. There is no fee if we are unable to improve your system or design. 

The Engineer holds the keys to bringing your building to life. In bigger buildings there may be a team of Engineers working on your project. Their responsibilities include electrical, sprinkler systems, mechanical, communications, safety, plumbing, and everything else that holds the building together. The Engineer has to design, document, propose, approve, and supervise the process. A typical fee for this could be %6 of construction cost in addition to a fee. 

We are Experts in HVAC. We sleep, breathe, study, and live HVAC everyday. ONLY HVAC. Because we are able to stay on the top of the constantly evolving HVAC industry, we can offer wisdom and experience not available to a typical Engineer. It is unrealistic to think an Engineer would attend HVAC schools as often as we do. We are not a replacement to the Engineer. We are in addition to the Engineer. 

Buildings are no longer thought of as individual pieces. They are thought of as a whole.  

Cost of Services

As a building or Home Owner you have an idea...a vision. An idea of what you want to spend time and money investing in to create the reality you envision. 

Naturally you need help. You hire an Architect and create the vision. 

Once you have the vision the work starts behind the scene. Now we have to bring the necessities to the design. In comes the Engineer. 

Value Engineering


The Process

A recent example is a 10,000 sq' facility. After an introduction we were given the set of prints to review. Our team spent 15 minutes reviewing the prints and contacted the customer letting them know we can significantly reduce their investment, utilities, and life expectancy. Their proposed mechanical design was a $280,000 investment with equipment located on the roof and 94 individual controls. 

Our proposed plan was an investment of $130,000 with no equipment located inside and a centralized controller. After a short discussion with the Engineer and a site meeting with the building owner, the contract was signed and the project continued. 

The process from start to finish for us was 5 days.